viernes, mayo 13, 2011

finally friday!

finalmente es viernes y finalmente blogger volvió a funcionar....! y aunque hemos tenido un clima soleado con una temperatura promedio de alrededor de los 30°C, pesqué un resfriado que me tiene sin muchas ganas de hacer algo, bueno, sólo con ánimo de recuperarme y sentirme mejor...   finally it's friday and finally blogger is working again....! and although we are having sunny days here with an average temperature by 30 °C, I got a cold who makes me that I really don't want to to do nothing, just I want feeling better...

así que les deseo a todos que tengan buena salud, buen clima y un precioso fin de semana!
so I'm wishing good health, good weather and a wonderful weekend to all!

6 comentarios:

  1. a beautiful cushion
    thank you sweet pea ! merci !!
    happy weekend to you & your Gang from me & mine
    xoxo Susan

  2. Hola Rosa María! hoy descubro tu blog y ya te sigo! me encanta todo lo que he visto y leido! Buen fin de semana desde Argentina!

  3. Wow, look at that pillow! You are gettig to be one very professional seamstress....beautiful!!

  4. Sorry about the cold. Hope you get well soon, and enjoy your wonderful weather.


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