jueves, abril 10, 2014

little visitors

Hace unas semanas y a manera de festejo por la llegada de la primavera, tuvimos en casa una reunión con amigos. Sabina estuvo feliz, conociendo y reconociendo rostros, conviviendo con otros niños, caminando de un lado a otro, jugando, comiendo... hubo abundante comida, bebidas, música y los pequeños tuvieron algunas actividades y al final creo que todos la pasamos bien. Fue la primera vez que organizo algo en donde los niños están involucrados y me encantó la idea de tener constantemente pequeños visitantes en casa. Espero vuelvan pronto.
A few weeks ago, and as a celebration for the arrival of spring, we had a meeting at home with friends. Sabina was really happy, knowing and recognizing people, socializing with other children, walking from one place to other, playing, eating ... there was plenty food, beberages, music and we had some activities for the kids and at the end I think everyone had a good time. It was the first time we organize something where children are involved and I loved the idea of ​​constantly having little visitors at home. I hope they return soon.

les comparto algunas imágenes de ese lindo domingo
I share with you some images from that lovely sunday


2 comentarios:

  1. hehehe que divertidas fotos! :D

  2. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time. I love that they each got to paint their own photo opp.


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