miércoles, marzo 09, 2011

corner view: wood

Madera. Qué grandioso material natural para trabajar! acaso no todos tenemos algo de madera en casa? Wood. Such great natural material to work with!! I'm sure we all have something made of wood at home!

me encantó la idea de que el tema de hoy fuera este, pues Alex ha encontrado en el trabajo con madera un nuevo hobby, oficio o forma de crear.... y usando desde los troncos que encontramos en el bosque, de algunos árboles que tuvieron que ser derribados o que se cayeron por las tormentas del año pasado o la madera de pallets usados, él ha estado aprendiendo y disfrutando la carpintería...
I love the idea of the theme for today, because Alex has been found in the woodwork a new hobby, a way to create and be creative.... he is using logs found in the forest, wood from some trees that had to be torn down or fell down because the last year's storms until used pallets, but for sure, he's learning and enjoying all the woodwork process...

Al igual que me sucede cuando trabajo en mi cuarto de costura o en la cocina, esa sensación que viene después de hacer algo con tus manos, algo para alguien especial o para tí, es única y te empuja a seguir creando y probando y me encanta que ahora Alex lo tenga cuando ve las cosas que ha hecho....
like happens to me when I work on my sewing room or at the kitchen, that feeling that comes after doing something with your hands, something for someone special or for you, is unique and pushes you to continue doing it and I love that Alex has that feeling too, when he sees the things he has done ....

y algunas veces la gente se pregunta cómo hacer eso?
cómo conseguir tiempo después del trabajo?
no tengo una respuesta mágica, pues tiempo libre es algo a veces difícil de conseguir, pero definitivamente apagar la TV ayuda.
and sometimes people ask how do that?
how to have free time after work?
I dont have a magic answer, because sometimes free time is quite difficult to get, but definitely I think turn off the TV can help.

feliz corner view!
happy corner view!

...más sobre madera con Francesca
...more about wood with Francesca

17 comentarios:

  1. AGREE! turn off the TV helps! I haven't find my free time lately, but wish it comes soon~

  2. I would love to learn woodworking and make myself a table too, but I'm so inept!
    PS we don't have TV!

  3. Nice pictures and great comment! Agree with you :)
    You have a nice blog, I'lb be back to see more.

  4. Old fashion craft is a wonderful thing. Beautiful, both you and your husband participate :^)

  5. I can't imagine a world (my own) without being able to create! I am so glad he has a hobby too...spread the love!!! lol That last picture is so stunning...it reminds me of the every edge of the ocean...the lapping waves. That would is beautiful!

  6. a wonderful hobby to pick up. not only to create something with ones hands, but a great way to release stress. xo

  7. Apagar la tele ayuda...pero yo termino tan cansada que coger la aguja o el ganchillo a veces me resulta pesado...así que dormito un rato después de cenar (que me dan las 10-10.30) y caigo en la cama...mala gestión del tiempo, lo sé...cuando sea responsable y controle el mismo, podré mejorar...ahora son tiempos extraños.

  8. Que belleza! Alex debe estar feliz! tus fotos mi linda son exquisitas... como siempre - sencillas, claras, alegres. Me encantan! Eres una inspiración para mi! Ah y tu nuevo encabezado es precioso --se me olvidé mencionarlo antes.
    Y gracias por tu lindo comentario...

  9. I love the toning of the coated wood to last two photos. This looks so beautiful.

  10. rosamaria! such a beautiful post! the way you talk of love through wood.
    and, hm, can i order two stands please? they are LOVELY!!!! tell alex!!!

  11. like woolf - such a beautiful post. And it looks like alex is very good at the woodwork - what i can see of the table it looks very nice :)

  12. I love the satifaction that comes through creating.

  13. la tv y el laptop, "m'hija" :)

    I thought you were busy with those yourself. well impressed I was... and still am!

  14. Such beauty and functionality! For us free time has to be turning the computer off....sigh...

  15. Turning off TV and Computer definitively helps to win time for creativity...sometimes I even turn the phone off! ;o)


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