viernes, octubre 23, 2009

coffee sack pillows

Por lo pronto sólo hice 2 cojines de 23 x 23 pulgadas, con los costales de café. Debo decir a favor de este material que es bastante agradable al tacto, y aunque el tejido es algo rústico, no pica como pudiera parecer. For now I only did 2 pillows of 23 x 23 inches, with the sacks of coffee. I must say about this material is quite pleasant to the touch, and although the fabric is somewhat rustic, does not itchy as it seems.
Antes de cortar los sacos los lavé en la lavadora con un poco de detergente regular y ciclo normal. No usé suavizante de telas. Los puse a secar en la secadora y sólo me aseguré de que no quedaran ni un poco húmedos. Before cutting the bags I washed them in the washer with some regular detergent and normal cycle and I didn't used fabric softener, then they was dried in the dryer and just i made sure that there's not even a little wet.
Para cortarlos, comencé a recortar las costuras de los lados con unas tijeras, pero me di cuenta que era bastante complicado y, contrario a lo que creí, fue más fácil hacerlo con el rotary cutter, así que así quité las costuras, para quedarme sólo con la tela. To cut them, I started removing both sides the seams with scissors, but I realized that it was quite hard and, contrary to what I thought was easier to do with the rotary cutter, so i cut the seams, to stay only with the fabric.

Las fundas de los cojines los hice como cualquier otro, sólo usé velcro para cerrarlos por atrás. Si lo quieres intentar debes de saber que durante todo el proceso tu área de trabajo se convierte en un desastre no muy limpio... ooohhh sí!! pues el jute va soltando pequeños hilos y pelusa, así que tu mesa, tu ropa, tu máquina y la zona que te rodea incluyendo claro, el piso, terminan con partes de yute... The covers of the cushions I made like any other, just i used velcro to close the back. If you want to try it you should know that throughout the process in your work area becomes a disaster and not very clean ... ooohhh yes! during all the job the jute dropping little threads and lint, so your table, your clothes, your machine and the area around you, including clear, floor, could will be with parts of jute ...

Sin embargo, creo que vale la pena pasar esos momentos "desastrosos", reciclando este material que de verdad da una apariencia super chida, ahorrar algo de dinero y obtener estos objetos que agregan un toque especial a la decoración de la casa y jardín, además de que claro, son super prácticos y durables. However, I think that is worth spending the "disastrous" time by recycling this material that really gives a super cool appearance, save some money and get these items that add a special touch to the decoration of the house and garden, besides that of course, they are super practical and durable.

...por cierto, ayer hizo un día fantástico aquí, el cielo estuvo de un azul muy intenso y el clima templado, un poco de viento pero sin ser frío y el sol sin calentar demasiado y daban ganas de salir a caminar... será porque yo no puedo salir ahora? hahahahahaha suele suceder, que cuando no puedes hacer algo precisamente "eso" es lo que se te antoja... al menos puedo estar en el porche que de verdad y con este otoño, lo agradezco! the way, yesterday was a fantastic day here, the blue sky was intense and we had a great weather: some wind but without being cold and the sun not too hot and i felt want to walk ... is it because I can not go now? hahahahahaha that happens, when you can not do anything, just "it" is what you feel like doing ... I can at least be on the porch that truth and in this autum, I appreciate it!

feliz viernes!!! happy friday!!!

9 comentarios:

  1. your pillows turned out great - just the right kind for outside and on the ground - after all you don't want a really pretty pricey fabric for tossing on the ground! Sounds like your weather is better than ours, we have had too much rain this year and it is very wet and an early fall for us.

  2. Hope your ankle is feeling better. I did the same thing in August!! Love your coffee sack pillows. I have wanted to frame one for my kitchen wall since I love coffee.

  3. these are beautiful! Such a great idea for pillows.

  4. I love these! I'm going to have to ask around at some of the roasters in town to see what they do with their sacks. Ooh, and I know a chocolate roaster...

  5. Recien llegada a tu blog. Me encantan esos cojines con tela de saco. Yo vivo en España, sabrías dónde podría comprar esos sacos?.
    Muchos besos desde el otro lado del Atlántico


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