miércoles, septiembre 08, 2010

corner view: school

algunos recuerdos de mis primeros momentos en la escuela:
salir de casa con el cabello peinadísimo, en cola de caballo o trenza.
llevar lonche hecho por mi mamá
Cantar el himno nacional los lunes
formarse antes de entrar a clase
algunos aromas del salón de clase: el perfume de la maestra, los lápices y crayolas,
el sonido del gis sobre el pizarrón...

some memories of my early days at school:
leave the house with my hair in a ponytail or braid...
lunch made by my mom..
sing the national anthem on Mondays...
make a line before entering class...
some smells of the classroom: the teacher's perfume and pencils and crayons..
the sound of chalk on the board...

...corner view comienza hoy otra vez con Jane!
...corner view starts again at Jane's!

10 comentarios:

  1. Yes - this time of year brings back those memories for me as well, like the smell of the brown paper bag lunch, the pencils and crayons... I keep a box of crayons in my studio still - I love the scent :^)

  2. Preciosa foto! para mi: poner el uniforme (crecí en Paris en escuela privada) y salir en calles semi desiertas... los parisinos se levantan tarde... y como tu los olores, el gis, la tinta, el papel. Gracias por tan lido post. Besos!

  3. Lots of us have those memories. Great to be back looking at CV again. Lovely bright pencil photographs.

  4. Great memories. I remember the short drinking fountains, playing 'horsie' at recess and little blue uniform tams.

  5. Hola!

    Yo tambien comparto esos mismos recuerdos! Cantar el himno nacional!!Y tener que subir el camion para viajar por la ciudad. Muy bonitos recuerdos.

  6. Nice memories! I remember mostly the drawing lessons and playing outdoors!

  7. Great photos - love the colors and freshly sharpened pencils! So much to see on this weeks Corner View. Thanks for adding to the mix. Cheers~

  8. you made me think about my days of a young child going to school...
    waking up REAL early and everything...
    the cold days... the sunny ones...
    loved the post!

  9. Wonderful memories...wonderful pictures!

  10. beautiful photos! I love pens and pencils.

    I miss going to elementary/primary school.


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