viernes, septiembre 10, 2010

starting again

Después de nuestra primer experiencia con nuestra huerta del hogar, estos fueron nuestros resultados:
la siembra de pepino: estupenda y prolífica!
el cilantro: perfecto y delicioso (aún tengo bastante en el congelador)
Los ejotes fueron muchos y muchos y aunque tuvieron muchas visitas de insectos, dejaban las vainas libres y sólo comían las hojas.
Las Albahacas, cebollín, apio, eneldo, hinojo y pimiento, todo el tiempo estuvieron dándonos mucho para comer y oler.
El tomate cherry aunque estuvo muy visitado por pequeños escarabajos, también nos dio dulces satisfacciones.
Las zanahorias no se dieron muy bien, al parecer las sembranos algo tarde y después, bueno, les cayó plaga y acabó con ellas. Sólo pudimos rescatar algunas, las suficientes para hacer una buena sopa.
Los elotes, bueno, creo que fue la parte más decepcionante, pues aunque cuando comenzamos a sembrar nos habíamos hecho a la idea de que no íbamos a cosechar todo, por haber iniciado tarde, lo cierto es que con los elotes guardábamos ciertas esperanzas que el aire derrumbó, pues todas las milpas se fueron cayendo. Al parecer crecieron mucho y no lograron ponerse muy gruesas. La gente de la zona nos dijo que les faltó fertilizante químico y bueno, no creemos que eso haya sido el problema y como no queremos usar ni insecticidas ni fertilizantes químicos, ya buscaremos la forma para que la próxima vez tengamos buenos y saludables elotes.

After our first experience with our home garden, these were our results:
planting of cucumber: so great and prolific!
cilantro: perfect and delicious (and still I have enough in the freezer)
The green beans were beautiful and we had many and many of them and although they had many visits of insects, the good part was they leaving the beans and they only ate the leaves.
The basil, chives, celery, dill, fennel and green pepper, all the time they were giving us much to eat and to smell.
The cherry tomato was frequently visited by small beetles, but also it gave us sweet satisfactions.
The carrots wasn't very good, it seems that we planted a little late, and then, well, the worms ended with them. We were only able to rescue some, just enough to make a good soup.
The corn, well, I think it was the most disappointing for us, because although when we started we was trying to have in mind that we would not reap them all, because it was our first time and we started late, the truth is we had a little hope about it but the air came and collapsed them and all corn plants were falling. Apparently they grew up to much and failed to get very thick. The people from here told us that the corn needs chemical fertilizer, but we don't think this has been the problem. We don't use insecticides or chemical fertilizers, so we will look for the healthy way for the next time the corn can grow up good.
Así que con los resultados que tuvimos, sólo puedo decir que fue una buena experiencia que planeamos repetir y repetir, pues además de poder ir al jardín y obtener de comer, nos da la posibilidad de compartirlo con amigos y familia.
So with the results we had, I can only say that was a very good experience that we plan to repeat and repeat, because as well as being able to go to the garden and get to eat, planting our food gives us the opportunity to share with friends and family.

y ahora Alex ya limpió y está preparando la tierra para la siembra de otoño.
and now, Alex was cleaning and preparing the ground for the autumn season.

y sobre inspiración para los menesteres de una huerta familiar y la vida en casa, visita este blog..... and about inspiration for the duties of a family garden and the home life, check this blog

feliz viernes!!
happy friday!!

6 comentarios:

  1. This is great! Home gardening is wonderful! I think you must enjoy the fresh food all the time! Have a great weekend~

  2. Que maravilla. Lástima por el elote pero todo el resto felicidades! debe ser un placer ver estos colores, oler las hierbas frescas... Feliz fin de semana!

  3. Wow, what a wonderful bounty! I would say that was an incredible first garden! Sorry, about the corn but weather has been so unusual, I would put it down to that. It needs to cross pollinate so best to plant at least a few rows in a group. I am sure it will be great next that you don't want any chemicals on your food!

  4. oh! always wanted to have a home garden...
    maybe when I have my real home I'll ask you for some advice... ;o)
    have a great week end!

  5. Sounds like you had a very good harvest all in all! It is so satisfying to live off your own land isn't it? We had cucumber on our balcony as well and loved it. I'd love to read more about your garden, do share some more info and pictures throughout the seasons! Please :))

  6. sounds like you had a great harvest with your garden. I hop the next round is even more successful!


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