viernes, mayo 21, 2010

Bloggers quilt festival spring 2010

Muchas gracias a Amy por organizar el Blogger's Quilt Festival!
Thanks so much to Amy for hosting the Blogger's Quilt Festival!

esta es mi segunda participación en el festival y este es uno de mis quilts favoritos...
this is my second participation in the festival and this is one of my favorite quilts ...

Cuando comencé a hacer este quilt, sólo tenía en mente hacer algo de appliqué... sólo me puse a coser sin tener un diseño en específico y poco a poco las piezas se fueron acomodando. Lo terminé en agosto de 2009 y fue un regalo para Verónica, mi hermana. When I started making this quilt, I just had in mind do some appliqué... I only started sewing without a design and slowly the pieces began to adapt. I finished it in August 2009 and it was a gift for Verónica, my sister.

Las que utilicé fueron tan sólo un charm pack de la bellísima colección Neptune de Tula Pink y algunos colores sólidos en azul y verde... The fabrics that i used was the beautiful Neptune Collection of Tula Pink and some solid fabrics in blue and green...

al hacer este quilt también hice un pequeño tutorial sobre reverse appliqué (lo puedes ver aquí) when i was sewing this quilt I also did a little tutorial about reverse appliqué (you can see it here)

mi parte favorita fue el acolchado, pues hice lineas rectas de diferentes anchos, con segmentos horizontales y otros en vertical... esta es la parte de atrás... my favorite part was quilting, and I did different widths of straight lines, with horizontal and vertical segments... This is the back...

Gracias por venir!
Diviértete viendo otros quilts fabulosos que puedes encontrar en el festival!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Have fun browsing all the other fabulous quilts through the festival!

51 comentarios:

  1. Wow, felicidades esta padrisima, los colores el quilt. Algun día nos tendríamos que conocer.
    un abrazo

  2. So nice. I love the straight quilting and the back is perfect! I feel like I am looking at ocean and sky.

  3. Absolutely stunning.

  4. This is absolutely gorgeous! I love the circles and your parallel line quilting is beautiful! Your sister is very lucky to have this!

  5. This is a fabulous quilt! Well done!

  6. oye que hermnosa te quedo ese quilt. Me encanta las lineas rectas de los rectangulas aproximados por los circulos. La linea de Neptune sigue siendo una de mis favoritas. Todabia tengo unos 3 charm packs escondidos!

  7. Beautiful quilt. I like the mix of circles and rectangles with the straight quilting. Very modern but inviting and looks cozy! Thank you for sharing your quilt's story :)

  8. Love the quilting and all the lights and darks! love it!

  9. Wow you rock! I love that navy sashing with the light stitching!

  10. I love your quilt -- both front and back! It's a great look!

  11. What a beautiful quilt! Those circles must have taken you a long time to applique, but it's a wonderful and unique look!

  12. The stitchin is my favorite on this one.

  13. What an extraordinary quilt! Beautiful!! Love it! Thanks for sharing :-)

  14. Very impressive, congratulations:)

  15. Very nice. I like the combination of the oblongs and the circles.

  16. So nice! I love the back too!

  17. Que belleza! me encanta tu quilt, y no se qual lado me gusta mas!
    Gracias por compartir! :)
    Valentina desde Chipre

  18. What a beautifully designed quilt. Congratulations on a job well done. Circles and bars is an image I haven't tried yet, but I certainly got some good information from your blog!

  19. Really nice quilt! Love the extra design you made with the straight line quilting.

  20. original dans ces couleurs et sa conception,félicitations

  21. The circles really make the quilt fantastic.

  22. This is a beautiful quilt! You did a wonderful job with the color choices and the balance of shapes. I especially like your quilting.

  23. I love this! It is so modern, and yet seems to completely reflect the time-honored tradition of quilting!

  24. Stunning quilt! Wonderful! Love the quilting too!

  25. this is great. i love the neptune fabric. the pattern is so fun and creative.

  26. I love this quilt! So serene, and with great design & quilting... it's wonderful to see it again!

  27. This is a great quilt. I love the circles and rectangles. Your straight line quilting looks stellar!

  28. I like is really different.

  29. What a superb modern quilt. You have done such a wonderful job. The quilting is excellent.

  30. I love the dramatic colors and layout!

  31. I love this! Very modern and fun! Great job!

  32. I love everything about this quilt - great design and colors.

  33. I love this! Such a creative design. I love the circles and the quilting.

  34. I love this!! I wish I could get my hands on some Tula Pink Neptune!

  35. I LOVE this!!! So amazing I just posted it on my Twitter @TulaPink

    thank you for showing this to everyone! much love!

  36. What a fun quilt. Lovely design, fabrics and colors.


  37. very very nice quilt....i love it so much!

  38. I LOVE this quilt. Fantabulous job too! Sew On!

  39. LOVE the mixture of circles and rectangles - and the back is almost as beautiful as the front - love the waves of blue!

  40. Great quilt and really great showing.
    Just starting without a design went very well in your case.
    Makes me itching for my needles.

  41. what a graphic quilt-reminds me of domino tiles. The back is beautiful also. Gracias.
    Come see my antique quilt entries

  42. This is so gorgeous and bold. The blues and greens really stand out with the black background.

  43. Hola del Medio Oriente! Que bonita tu quilt! Me facina las telas que escojistes tambien!


  44. wow--i love your quilt!! it's just stunning. thanks for sharing. come visit if you get a chance. i signed up to follow you--you make wonderfully lovely and vibrant items!!

  45. hola buen dia, sabes hoy me dijeron de tu paginay es la primera ocasion que la visito, y me sorprendi de las osas tan lindas que elaboras, se ve que te facina hacer todas estas manualidades, yo me dedico a la reposteria y tambien me siento tan feliz con lo que hago es algo muy hermoso y veo que asi tu, te encanta, te felicito por los colores tan preciosos que manejas, felicidades


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